Categories A, B, BE, C, CE, D

Category A

A - motorcycles, as well as tricycles, whose power exceeds 15 kilowatts.

A1 - motorcycles whose engine displacement does not exceed 125 cubic centimeters, power does not exceed 11 kilowatts and the power-to-weight ratio does not exceed 0.1 kilowatts per kilogram, as well as tricycles whose power does not exceed 15 kilowatts.

A2 - motorcycles whose power does not exceed 35 kilowatts, the power-to-weight ratio does not exceed 0.2 kilowatts per kilogram, and which are not derivatives of vehicles with twice or more power.

Category B

B - motor vehicles whose total weight does not exceed 3500 kg and the number of seats (not counting the driver’s seat) does not exceed 8, as well as a combination of a tractor of this category with a trailer, the total weight of which does not exceed 750 kg; a combination of a category B tractor with a trailer, if the total weight of such a combination does not exceed 3500 kg and the total weight of the trailer does not exceed the tractor’s own weight. You can get category B from the age of 18.

Category C

C - Motor vehicles, the gross weight of which exceeds 3500 kg (i.e. any trucks - without an upper weight limit), and which are not included in category D, as well as a combination of a tractor of this category with a trailer, the gross weight of which is not exceeds 750 kg.

Category D

D - mechanical vehicles intended for the transport of passengers, with a number of seats, not counting the driver's seat, exceeding 8, as well as a combination of a tractor of this category with a trailer, the total weight of which does not exceed 750 kg. To obtain category D, you must have category C (no experience needed), or C1 (2 years of experience and 21 years of age), or D1.

Category BE

BE - a combination of a category B tractor with a trailer, unless such a composition is included in category B (in this case, the total weight of the trailer, as a rule, significantly exceeds 750 kg - these are car trailers, trailers for transporting horses or special equipment, caravan trailers and etc.). To receive this category, you must have at least 1 year of experience and be at least 21 years old.

CE category

CE - a combination of a category C tractor with a trailer, the total weight of which exceeds 750 kg - i.e. These are any trucks with any trailers (including trucks). To receive this category, you must have category C. By the way, when you receive category CE, the letter E will be “added” to all the letters on your license, i.e. if, for example, before the courses it was “B C D”, after it it will be “BE CE DE”.

Category DE

DE - a combination of a category D tractor with a trailer, the total weight of which exceeds 750 kg.